The Gentle Rain is a song written by Luiz Bonf used in the movie with the same title in 1966. This song features the shaker talents of Gina. It's such a "perc" to have her in my life... (please excuse the pun).
This is an instrumental. In this case there seems to be nothing new under the sun since I purposely added the following influences. This is the order in which they can be heard:
ð Low Spark of High Heeled Boys - Traffic (Steve Winwood)
ð And I Love Her - Beatles
ð Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
ð Joe Pass, simply because he was brilliant.
ð Kokomo - Beach Boys (although you'd have to stretch your imagination)
ð Highway Star - Deep Purple
ð James Taylor guitar voicings
ð Mike Gauthier, for slapping my hands and telling me to go C Lydian to C Melodic Minor to C Mixolidian on the progression
| F#m7b5 | B7b9 | Em7b5 | A7b9 |
landing on that 4th measure. For some reason I'm still stuck on the F# with no place to go!