Light Light
Click River
Black Crow - "I have another Joni Mitchell mission for you (should you choose to accept it)" were the exact words Mike said to me...

Merry Christmas Mike. For some reason I think you figured that after I had recorded the song River, this might be one for me to do. Well, I had never heard of the tune before, and when I listened to it, I just couldn't understand it. I have to admit, the chord changes were all minor and I felt the melody line was twisting my ears! So, after playing it on my guitar, I got a grasp as the reason why so hopefully I did the song justice. I'm not sure what style it turned out to be though...

I ran the vocals through a Great River MP-2NV using a
Blueberry microphone.

The acoustic guitars, 6 string and 12 string uses a single Schoeps CMC 6 with MK 4 classic cardioid pattern throught the MP-2NV.